Garden Sheds Designed, Constructed and Installed

07 5537 2871

Car Space Shed

2.300 x .800 Single Door Carspace Shed

2.300 x 1.510 Single Door Carspace Shed 

1.950 high (overall height including the floor)

Special Carspace sheds for storage in Hi-Rise carparks.

Comes complete, delivered and assembled on a treated floor.

We deliver them made up and just have to slide them into place. The wood floor is treated so it won’t rot (keeps your things dry when the Carpark is hosed out).

The floor has 43mm bearers underneath for clearance off the concrete floor, this enables them to be pushed back against the wall and will not block any drains.

Height can be adjusted if there are any pipes or ducting above the Carspace.

Completly open inside – no shelves.


ColourZincalume & Colorbond Available
DoorSingle & Double Hinged Doors Sliding Doors
NotesInstalled on wood floor