Garden Sheds Designed, Constructed and Installed

07 5537 2871

XL Garden Sheds Gable Roof

Installation & Concrete Slabs Available

Welded 65×65 portal Frame

Standard Sizes

Custom Sizes Available

4.50 x 2.25 Gable Roof Shed Double Hinged Doors

4.50 x 3.00 Gable Roof Shed Double Hinged Doors

6.00 x 2.25 Gable Roof Shed Double Hinged Doors

6.00 x 3.00 Gable Roof Shed Double Hinged Doors


Additional product information

RoofGable Roof with Welded 65×65 Portal Frame wall height 1.830 Extra wall height available
DoorDouble Hinged Doors in Side Extra Wide Doors Available Double Doors in Gable End Double Sliding Doors
NotesWoodland Grey, Classic Cream, Paperbark, Surf Mist, Mist Green Or Zincalume